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My Philosophy

"I love exploring radical ideas of the future that we can all sense but have not yet materialized. Not a day goes by without pondering this thing called life and how to make it work for every living being. I am deeply influenced by the ideas of startup culture, Charles Eisenstein, Buddhism, and modern spirituality."

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About Me.

Born and raised in Merano since 1993, in northern Italy, I am the firstborn child of two German immigrants. I enjoyed a truly playful and free childhood, developing a love for observation and deep understanding from an early age. 


School never provided the happiness and support I craved for my playful curiosity. This dissatisfaction peaked when I left scientific school in my 13th year. Fortunately, I embarked on a journey fueled by my unbroken passion for creating short films and portrait photography, alongside my newfound love for parkour running – an interest that landed me my first out of many appearances on local television and newspaper.


Driven by my passion for film and photography, I co-founded Kiwitree Films with six dear friends, including my girlfriend Stefanie. Over the course of 10 years, I delved into every aspect of the industry, from directing and shooting to writing, editing, and producing. Our work took us to Electronic Music Festivals, shooting music videos for internationally renowned artists and producing global commercials.


Within our film team, a deep trust developed, leading us to experiment with a new paradigm of leadership based on the principles outlined in the eye-opening book "Reinventing Organizations" by Frederic Laloux. Embracing sociocratic structures, open salaries, and decentralized decision-making brought us great joy, as we sensed a life-changing shift in the way we worked.


However, with growing concerns about pressing climate change, I founded "Landhaus Superfood," an insect-as-food startup. We organized tastings for schools and street food festivals to challenge existing food paradigms.


After 14 years in the film business, I felt an urgent need to explore my curiosity about communal living, leading me to take a full-year sabbatical.


During this time, I experienced a spiritual awakening while working in the gardens of Kunpen Lama Gangchen, an Italian Buddhist center near Lago Maggiore. This experience broadened my worldview and radically shifted my understanding of reality.


While exploring ecovillages and intentional communities throughout Europe, including prestigious ones like 7 Linden, Findhorn, and Tamera, I pursued courses in permaculture and community design.


Currently, I am channeling my experiences into creating transformative coaching for both companies and individuals.



Dynamic Facilitation


"Learn to think."

School of life 



Design Findhorn


Community Course



Ecovillage Design Education

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